Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Snow fun


What a crazy weekend it was with the snow! I swear it basically snowed non-stop for about 36 hours! We dragged out the snow clothes for the boys and they went out to play for a little bit when it first started.

I ran out to take a few pictures and as I was snapping this, Ben was saying "Ok Tristan, close your mouth..." and then he threw that snowball in Tristan's face! Luckily Tristan didn't get upset about it, and I convinced them to only throw snow at the back fence. They went out again the next day...

They didn't last as long this time - too exhausting wading around in knee-deep snow!

We also had Ruthie's blessing on Nov 4th. Lots of family, including Preston flying in from Oregon! It was fun getting together afterwards to play some games too :) And we finally got a picture of Grandma Ruth with Baby Ruth :)

We love Grandma Ruth (and Grandpa) and we hope that little Ruthie grows up to be as loving and giving as they are!

Here's some funny things I have heard recently:

Neil (to Tristan): DO NOT jump over the baby!!

Ben: Who made our van?
Tristan: JESUS!!
Ben: Do you mean Heavenly Father?
Mom: Well, He made the stuff FOR our van, but someone else put it together...

Ben: Chris, you have hair kinda like a girl. I think you need a haircut. You should ask your mom for one. Where's your mom? OH, there she is! (taps my mom on the shoulder) He (indicating Chris) needs to tell you something.
At that point, Ben turned away, his job done. A week later, at Sunday dinner, Chris had a haircut, and Ben noticed it! I think he said something like "you don't have girl hair anymore..."
To be fair to Chris, when my boys hair gets long I tell them its starting to look like girl hair, and they got their hair cut just before church when Ruth was blessed and Ben sat with Chris.

Lastly, I posted this on facebook, but I got my pictures back from Angie, who does amazing work. But, the face you bring is the face you get. Tristan brought the face that says "I will kill you in your sleep...."