Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning to Pray

After seeing a great example set by my brother and sister-in-law, we have been reading scriptures and kneeling together for family prayer each night. I was pleasantly surprised that Ben will just sit and listen, and wait for his turn to read (or, you know, repeat what we read). We started 2 weeks ago and it seems to already be ingrained in him. One night as we put Ben in his bed, he recited the routine for us! "Scriptures, and knees, and stories, and Ben's prayers, and hugs and bed!!" It seems he's picked up on some other things as well... :)
On Sunday we arrived outside the chapel during the prayer. I told Ben they were saying a prayer and we all folded our arms. I didn't have my eyes closed though, and Ben turned to me and loudly whispered "Mom! Close your eyes!"
And the last few nights at bedtime have been precious. Ben has wanted to say his own personal prayers, rather than have me tell him what to say, so before his prayers I give him suggestions ("Maybe tonight we could say...."). One night I suggest we say that we're thankful for each person in our family. Ben said "Thank Thee (yeah, he says thank thee) for Mommy, Thank Thee for Daddy, Thank Thee for Tristan.... Thank Thee for Uncle Bart. Jesus Christ, Amen." I didn't mention Bart at all, he just decided to include him!
And another night I just asked him "What should you say tonight in your prayers?" He looked around his bedroom and said "Um.... for Bed, for Mommy, and for Daddy work." And those were the things he said he was thankful for in his prayer! I love that boy!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

Apparently there are people in the world that would like to know about our family as a whole, and not just about Ben, and since blogging is the "hip thing" these days, here we go with a family blog.
Brief bio:
Neil and I met through my best friend (his cousin), Jessica (Bentley) Tiek, on Trax. I thought he was really weird, he thought I was really hot. We got married about 6 months later. We have two boys. Ben just barely turned 3, and Tristan is approximately 10 months. Neil has a Master's Degree in Accounting and is studying for the CPA exam. I have forever left on my degree. Good thing I get free tuition until I'm 26 or I'd have to stop going... :)
We bought our first house last year, and just recently got some old carpet to lay down in our unfinished basement! We have a very small yard that we cut with an edger/trimmer.
That's pretty much where we are now...