Wednesday, December 19, 2012

6 more days!

We have a Christmas countdown, and Ben and Tristan have been vigilant to change it and remind me of how many days I have left to finish up Christmas projects. Lucky for me, I'm almost done now (no thanks to the sewing machine that didn't want to cooperate). Ruth gets a picture frame hairbow/flower clip holder and a floor pillow. I kind of faked it on the pillow but it turned out pretty well. We started using it immediately because for one thing, she had no idea how to open a present. Also, we have a hardwood floor in our main living area so I wanted something comfy to put her on.
The boys get some Angry Birds plush, a pillow shield (for pillow fights) + a dollar store foam sword, some little marble mazes for church, and a geoboard. I even made a couple thing for Neil, as well as a gift for each of his parents, but I can't reveal them yet in case they see this before Christmas.... :)

This cute baby was my first Christmas 'decoration' to get out :)
We make pizza every week (and by we I mean Neil), and since it was Christmas we decided to cut ours in the shape of a tree.  The boys thought it was pretty cool!
Second big snowfall of the season - this time we made a snowman!  Isn't he cute?  Of course, since it's Utah, it rained the next day and melted him down....
And in other news, Ben was accepted into the dual immersion program in our school district.  It means we'll have to drive him to Draper Elementary each day, but he'll love it!  He's going to learn Mandarin Chinese!

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